🗄️ Records Investigations
Get documents that reveal the truth.
$150 flat rate covers up to 3 hours desk time searching data sources and making phone, e-mail and postal mail inquiries where necessary.
$125/hour plus mileage and expenses if visiting physical locations is necessary, such as going to a courthouse to order and/or retrieve copies of records.
Discover documents and records to help prove your case or reveal true and correct information.
These include court filings, property deeds, business filings, and marriage records.
I search various sources for both public and private records.
Note, protected records such as police reports or medical files require a signed release from the person in question. So for private records about someone besides your client, you’ll have to get a court order for them. What I can do is help determine whether interesting private records exist, where they’re located, and how to subpoena for them.