Private Investigations

& Process Service

🏆 Helping SF Bay Area Attorneys Win

Diligent Legal Investigator & Registered Process Server

Win cases with thorough private investigation and service of process efforts.

Don't neglect pre-litigation. Find out if a contingency case is worth pursuing. Check out the backgrounds of defendants, witnesses and yes, sometimes even your clients. Put another pair of eyes on the initial discovery. Correctly identify people or businesses to assign liability and search for assets.

During litigation, locate the right defendants and get them served. Obtain photos, witnesses, new leads and other on-site information from incident scenes. Interview and subpoena witnesses. Find and retrieve records that support your case.

For judgment enforcement, uncover potentially more financial resources of a business or individual debtor. Surveillance efforts may lead to a debtor's workplace or where they may be storing valuable property. Use a registered process server for writs and levies, and orders to appear for examination. 

Set yourself up for success! Effective private investigations and process service will enhance your litigation efforts and lead to better client outcomes.